Results for 'José Mariano Moneva'

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  1.  25
    Evaluation of the Cultural Environment’s Impact on the Performance of the Socially Responsible Investment Funds.Francisco José López-Arceiz, Ana José Bellostas-Pérezgrueso & José Mariano Moneva - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (1):259-278.
    Socially responsible mutual funds match financial and environmental, social, and governance criteria in their portfolio management strategies. Several studies have examined the behavior of these funds in terms of return–risk, obtaining very different results. The present study discusses previous results and shows how these funds often outperform their conventional counterparts. Rather than the SR character of a mutual fund, a relevant explanation for this behavior is the cultural environment in which the fund operates. Thus, the ethical framework or corporate social (...)
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  2. Life and Mind - New Directions in the Philosophy of Biology and Cognitive Sciences.José Manuel Viejo & Mariano Sanjuán (eds.) - 2023 - Springer.
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    Does Sustainability Investment Provide Adaptive Resilience to Ethical Investors? Evidence from Spain.Eduardo Ortas, José M. Moneva, Roger Burritt & Joanne Tingey-Holyoak - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 124 (2):297-309.
    Although sustainable and responsible investment (SRI) has quite recently become a hot research topic, scarcely any systematic research has been paid to the performance of this non-conventional approach to investment during the financial crisis that emerged in mid-2008 when the resilience of the financial markets was sorely tested. Such real-world resilience in practice is the subject of the current research which tests whether environmental, social and governance screens provides ethical investors with adaptive resilience in bull and bear market conditions by (...)
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    Quantale Valued Sets: Categorical Constructions and Properties.José G. Alvim, Hugo L. Mariano & Caio de A. Mendes - forthcoming - Studia Logica:1-54.
    This work mainly concerns the—here introduced—category of \(\mathscr {Q}\) -sets and functional morphisms, where \(\mathscr {Q}\) is a commutative semicartesian quantale. We prove it enjoys all limits and colimits, that it has a classifier for regular subobjects (a sort of truth-values object), which we characterize and give explicitly. Moreover: we prove it to be \(\kappa \) -locally presentable, (where \(\kappa =max\{|\mathscr {Q}|^+, \aleph _0\}\) ); we also describe a hierarchy of monoidal structures in this category.
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    Symmetry theory in a two-level quantum system.José F. Cariñena & Mariano Santander - 1985 - Foundations of Physics 15 (8):851-859.
    We develop the theory of symmetry for a two-level quantum system in oder to illustrate the main ideas of the general theory of symmetry in quantum theory. It is based on the diffeomorphism of the two-dimensional sphere S 2 onto the space of states ℂP 1 and the isomorphism between the groups Pℳ(2) and SO 3 (ℝ). In particular, rotational invariance leads to the appearance of the spin1/2 in a natural way.
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  6. Praxis epistémicas emancipatorias.María José Vila Costa Y. Mariano Harracá Di Lorenzo - 2021 - In Esteban Vergalito & Marco G. Mallamaci (eds.), Praxis, conocimiento y emancipación: indagaciones de epistemología política. San Juan, Argentina: Editorial UNSJ.
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    Numerical solving of equations in the work of José Mariano Vallejo.Carlos-Oswaldo Suárez Alemán, F. Javier Pérez-Fernández & José-Miguel Pacheco Castelao - 2007 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 61 (5):537-552.
    The progress of Mathematics during the nineteenth century was characterised both by an enormous acquisition of new knowledge and by the attempts to introduce rigour in reasoning patterns and mathematical writing. Cauchy’s presentation of Mathematical Analysis was not immediately accepted, and many writers, though aware of that new style, did not use it in their own mathematical production. This paper is devoted to an episode of this sort that took place in Spain during the first half of the century: It (...)
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    Do You See What I See? Effectiveness of 360-Degree vs. 2D Video Ads Using a Neuroscience Approach.Jose M. Ausin-Azofra, Enrique Bigne, Carla Ruiz, Javier Marín-Morales, Jaime Guixeres & Mariano Alcañiz - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:612717.
    This study compares cognitive and emotional responses to 360-degree vs. static (2D) videos in terms of visual attention, brand recognition, engagement of the prefrontal cortex, and emotions. Hypotheses are proposed based on the interactivity literature, cognitive overload, advertising response model and motivation, opportunity, and ability theoretical frameworks, and tested using neurophysiological tools: electroencephalography, eye-tracking, electrodermal activity, and facial coding. The results revealed that gaze view depends on ad content, visual attention paid being lower in 360-degree FMCG ads than in 2D (...)
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    Chronic pelvic pain: multifactorial influences.Adriana Peterson Mariano Salata Romão, Ricardo Gorayeb, Gustavo Salata Romão, Omero Benedicto Poli‐Neto, Francisco José Cândido dos Reis, Júlio César Rosa‐E.‐Silva, Hermes de Freitas Barbosa & Antonio Alberto Nogueira - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (6):1137-1139.
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  10. Discusión sobre la ponencia del profesor López Calera.Antonio Ruiz Manero, Luis Legaz Lacambra, Angel Sánchez de la Torre, Joaquín Ruiz-Giménez Cortés, Mariano Hurtado Bautista, Francisco de Paula Puy Muñoz, José Delgado Pinto, Terenciano Alvarez Pérez & Elías Díaz García - 1976 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 16:53-90.
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    Combined Effect of Levels in Personal Self-Regulation and Regulatory Teaching on Meta-Cognitive, on Meta-Motivational, and on Academic Achievement Variables in Undergraduate Students.Jesús de la Fuente, Paul Sander, José M. Martínez-Vicente, Mariano Vera, Angélica Garzón & Salvattore Fadda - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Consumer Neuroscience-Based Metrics Predict Recall, Liking and Viewing Rates in Online Advertising.Jaime Guixeres, Enrique Bigné, Jose M. Ausín Azofra, Mariano Alcañiz Raya, Adrián Colomer Granero, Félix Fuentes Hurtado & Valery Naranjo Ornedo - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Implications of Unconnected Micro, Molecular, and Molar Level Research in Psychology: The Case of Executive Functions, Self-Regulation, and External Regulation.Jesús de la Fuente, María Carmen González-Torres, Maite Aznárez-Sanado, José Manuel Martínez-Vicente, Francisco Javier Peralta-Sánchez & Manuel Mariano Vera - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Applying the SRL vs. ERL Theory to the Knowledge of Achievement Emotions in Undergraduate University Students.Jesús de la Fuente, José Manuel Martínez-Vicente, Francisco Javier Peralta-Sánchez, Angélica Garzón-Umerenkova, Manuel Mariano Vera & Paola Paoloni - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Differential Predictive Effect of Self-Regulation Behavior and the Combination of Self- vs. External Regulation Behavior on Executive Dysfunctions and Emotion Regulation Difficulties, in University Students.Jesús de la Fuente, José Manuel Martínez-Vicente, Mónica Pachón-Basallo, Francisco Javier Peralta-Sánchez, Manuel Mariano Vera-Martínez & Magdalena P. Andrés-Romero - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:876292.
    The aim of this research was to establish linear relations (association and prediction) and inferential relations between three constructs at different levels of psychological research –executive dysfunction(microanalysis),self-regulation(molecular level), andself-vs.external regulation(molar level), in the prediction of emotion regulation difficulties. We hypothesized that personal and contextual regulatory factors would be negatively related to levels of executive dysfunction and emotion regulation difficulties; by way of complement, non-regulatory and dysregulatory personal, and contextual factors would be positively related to these same difficulties. To establish relationships, (...)
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  16.  26
    Virtual Reality as a New Approach for Risk Taking Assessment.Carla de-Juan-Ripoll, José L. Soler-Domínguez, Jaime Guixeres, Manuel Contero, Noemi Álvarez Gutiérrez & Mariano Alcañiz - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:422663.
    Understanding how people behave when facing hazardous situations, how intrinsic and extrinsic factors influence the risk taking (RT) decision making process and to what extent it is possible to modify their reactions externally, are questions that have long interested academics and society in general. In the spheres of Occupational Safety and Health (OSH), the military, finance and sociology, this topic has multidisciplinary implications because we all constantly face risk taking situations. Researchers have hitherto assessed risk taking profiles by conducting questionnaires (...)
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  17. El eventual legado de Mariátegui en la composición ideológica de Sendero Luminoso.Mariano García de las Heras González - 2020 - Araucaria 22 (43).
    La figura de José Carlos Mariátegui es una referencia intelectual en el pensamiento revolucionario latinoamericano. Su producción intelectual está acompañada de un compromiso político con las ideas transformadoras aplicadas al conjunto de América Latina y, de manera especial, a Perú. Sus aportaciones teóricas y sus propuestas prácticas para organizar a la clase obrera del país andino son motivo de disputa ideológica en el seno del comunismo peruano durante las décadas centrales del siglo XX. En ese ambiente surge Sendero Luminoso, (...)
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    Why Do We Take Risks? Perception of the Situation and Risk Proneness Predict Domain-Specific Risk Taking.Carla de-Juan-Ripoll, Irene Alice Chicchi Giglioli, Jose Llanes-Jurado, Javier Marín-Morales & Mariano Alcañiz - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Risk taking is a component of the decision-making process in situations that involve uncertainty and in which the probability of each outcome – rewards and/or negative consequences – is already known. The influence of cognitive and emotional processes in decision making may affect how risky situations are addressed. First, inaccurate assessments of situations may constitute a perceptual bias in decision making, which might influence RT. Second, there seems to be consensus that a proneness bias exists, known as risk proneness, which (...)
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  19. Evolutionary Computation for Modelling Social Traits in Realistic Looking Synthetic Faces.Felix Fuentes-Hurtado, Jose A. Diego-Mas, Valery Naranjo & Mariano Alcañiz - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-16.
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  20.  20
    Attentional Bias, Alcohol Craving, and Anxiety Implications of the Virtual Reality Cue-Exposure Therapy in Severe Alcohol Use Disorder: A Case Report.Alexandra Ghiţă, Olga Hernández-Serrano, Jolanda Fernández-Ruiz, Manuel Moreno, Miquel Monras, Lluisa Ortega, Silvia Mondon, Lidia Teixidor, Antoni Gual, Mariano Gacto-Sanchez, Bruno Porras-García, Marta Ferrer-García & José Gutiérrez-Maldonado - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Aims: Attentional bias, alcohol craving, and anxiety have important implications in the development and maintenance of alcohol use disorder. The current study aims to test the effectiveness of a Virtual Reality Cue-Exposure Therapy to reduce levels of alcohol craving and anxiety and prompt changes in AB toward alcohol content.Method: A 49-year-old male participated in this study, diagnosed with severe AUD, who also used tobacco and illicit substances on an occasional basis and who made several failed attempts to cease substance misuse. (...)
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    Redimir a Nietzsche.Mariano Rodríguez - 2019 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 52:161-169.
    Romero Cuevas, José Manuel, _¿Nietzsche contra Nietzsche? Ensayos de crítica filosófica inmanente_. Madrid, Locus Solus, 2016, 244 págs.
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    Mariología artística salmantina. Panorama Mariano.José Artero - 1954 - Salmanticensis 1 (3):738-748.
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    Historia y nihilismo. Apuntes para una confrontación Nietzsche-Ortega / History and Nihilism. Notes for a Nietzsche-Ortega Confrontation.Mariano L. Rodríguez González - 1995 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 8:87.
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    Criticar a Nietzsche . Réplica a “Redimir a Nietzsche ” de Mariano Rodríguez.José Manuel Romero Cuevas - 2019 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 52:171-174.
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    Orientaciones pontificias: enseñanzas mariológicas en el año mariano.José A. Aldama - 1954 - Salmanticensis 1 (3):722-737.
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  26. Orientaciones pontificias. Enseñanzas mariológicas en el año mariano.José de Aldama - 1954 - Salmanticensis 1 (3):722-737.
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  27. Correspondencia entre María Zambrano y Mariano Quintanilla.Jose Garcia - 2010 - Revista de Hispanismo Filosófico 15:201-216.
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    Resenhas v. 3 n. 5.Paulo Agostinho Nogueira Baptista & Vinicius Mariano de Carvalho - 2004 - Horizonte 3 (5):195-200.
    TOMITA, Luiza E.; BARROS, Marcelo; VIGIL, José Maria (Org.). Pluralismo e libertação. Por uma teologia latino-americana pluralista a partir da fé cristã DAMEN, Franz et al. Pelos muitos caminhos de Deus . Desafios do pluralismo religioso à Teologia da Libertação. Paulo Agostinho Nogueira Baptista KOSCHORKE, Klaus (Hg.). Transkontinentale beziehungen in der geschichte des außereuropäischen christentums/transcontinental links in the History of non-western christianity. Vinicius Mariano de Carvalho.
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  29. Stein, Edith. Ser eterno y ser finito. Traducción de Mariano Crespo, Ediciones Encuentro, Madrid, 2023, 502 pp. [REVIEW]Pedro-José Grande-Sánchez - forthcoming - Anuario Filosófico:239-239.
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    La vida intelectual creadora y la realización de «lo mejor» desde la visión filosófica de Julián Marías.José-Raúl Asimbaya-Socasi & Conrado de Jesús Giraldo-Zuluaga - 2021 - Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación E Información Filosófica 76 (291 Extra):1301-1320.
    El presente trabajo pretende indagar el problema de la vida intelectual creadora en el ámbito universitario y el impulso de la realización de «lo mejor» con visión, claridad de pensamiento y razón de la vida desde el pensamiento mariano y superar de este modo el peligro de quedarse instalado en el academicismo filosófico, que enfatiza la erudición, la acumulación de información más que el aprendizaje, la relaciones interpersonales, el pensamiento propio u otras maneras de ver la realidad.
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    Wittgenstein's Nonsense Objection to Russell's Theory of Judgment.José L. Zalabardo - 2015 - In Michael Campbell & Michael O'Sullivan (eds.), Wittgenstein and Perception. New York: Routledge. pp. 126-151.
    I offer an interpretation of Wittgenstein's claim that Russell's theory of judgment fails to show that it's not possible to judge nonsense.
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  32. En los límites de las dos Españas.José Ignacio Lacasta Zabalza - 2006 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 27:203-210.
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  33. Goddard and Judge on Tractarian Objects.José L. Zalabardo - forthcoming - Australasian Journal of Philosophy.
    I discuss the idea that the objects of Wittgenstein’s Tractatus are propertyless bare particulars, an idea defended by Leonard Goddard and Brenda Judge in their monograph, The Metaphysics of the Tractatus. I present the difficulties that Goddard and Judge raise for this construal concerning the idea that Tractarian objects have natures that determine their possibilities of combination, and I assess the solution they propose. I offer an alternative construal of the notion with which these difficulties can be overcome.
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    Wittgenstein's Tractatus logico-philosophicus: a critical guide.José L. Zalabardo (ed.) - 2024 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, the only book-length work to have been published during his lifetime, continues to generate interest and scholarly debate. This volume of new essays showcases contemporary ideas on how to interpret the Tractatus and throws new light on some of its most challenging passages.
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    Philosophy's duty towards social suffering.José A. Zamora & Reyes Mate (eds.) - 2021 - Zürich: Lit.
    Social suffering commands increasing public attention in the wake of several historical processes that have changed the ways victims are perceived. In making suffering eloquent by rendering it in conceptual form, philosophy runs the risk of muting suffering, thereby neutralizing its ability to mobilize responses. In the experience of suffering philosophy finds a limit it must recognize as its own. Yet only by fulfilling its duty towards suffering - only by having the abolition of suffering as its ultimate goal - (...)
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  36. W. Benjamin: crítica del capitalismo y justicia mesiánica.José Antonio Zamora - 2009 - In Bartolomé Ruiz & M. Castor (eds.), Justiça e memória: para uma crítica ética da violência. São Leopoldo, RS, Brasil: Editora UNISINOS.
  37. Discrimination and Immigration.José Jorge Mendoza - 2017 - In Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of the Ethics of Discrimination. New York: Routledge.
    In this chapter, I outline what philosophers working on the ethics of immigration have had to say with regard to invidious discrimination. In doing so, I look at both instances of direct discrimination, by which I mean discrimination that is explicitly stated in official immigration policy, and indirect discrimination, by which I mean cases where the implementation or enforcement of facially “neutral” policies nonetheless generate invidious forms of discrimination. The end goal of this chapter is not necessarily to take a (...)
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  38. Da metafísica do sujeito a ontología Concreta: una leitura gramsciana.José Mario Angeli, Julio Cesar Campano Floriano & Juliana de Barros Cerezuela - 2006 - Philosophica 29:45-60.
    Trata-se, no presente artigo, de analisar as mudanças que historicamente tem ocorrido no EU e as rupturas na apreensâo da realidade. As atuais transformaçoes da realidade teriam levado a um asvaziamento do ser? Ou ainda, a realidade nâo teria mais nada a ver com o sujeito? Como apreender essas transformaçoes? Esta investigaçâo faz-se valer da leitura de Gramsci, por meio da qual a unidade entre se e o pensar aparece como uma possibilidade de superaçao da metafísica do sujeito à elaboraçâo (...)
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    Etienne Gilson-Jacques Maritain: Correspondance 1923-1971.José María Artola - 1995 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 13:181.
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  40. Crisis institucional en el Perú del posconflicto: 1992-2018.José Manuel Azcona & Cristina del Prado - 2020 - Araucaria 22 (43).
    El artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación sobre la violencia política en Perú y su actual incidencia en la crisis de legitimidad de las instituciones políticas democráticas. La metodología empleada supone la revisión documental y el tratamiento de otras fuentes sobre las múltiples maneras como el conflicto armado debilitó la credibilidad en los mecanismos y estamentos democráticos. Se presentan elementos concluyentes sobre la continuidad, durante y después del conflicto, de la desigualdad, la frustración en la búsqueda de la verdad (...)
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    Oracles of Science: Celebrity Scientists Versus God and Religion.Karl Giberson & Mariano Artigas - 2007 - Oup Usa.
    Karl Giberson and Mariano Artigas offer an informed analysis on the views of Stephen Jay Gould, Richard Dawkins, Edward O. Wilson, Carl Sagan, Stephen Hawking and Steven Weinberg; carefully distinguishing science from philosophy and religion in the writings of the oracles.
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    El cuerpo sin órganos: presentación de Gilles Deleuze.José Luis Pardo - 2011 - Valencia: Pre-Textos.
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  43. Filosofía de la filosofía e historia de la filosofía.José Gaos - 1947 - México,: Editorial Stylo.
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  44. La noción "clásica" de verdad a partir de Richard Rorty.José Lorente - 2011 - Estudios Filosóficos 60 (175):535-550.
    El pensador norteamericano Richard Rorty sostiene que uno de los deseos de la tradición filosófica occidental ha sido el deseo de la Verdad. Esta premisa asume que la filosofía que arranca con Platón ha establecido las bases para una teoría filosófica de la verdad como correspondencia entre pensamiento y realidad. Como alternativa a la interpretación histórica de Rorty sobre la Verdad, se presenta la noción �clásica� de verdad que forjaron Platón y Aristóteles. Con este análisis se pretende poner de relieve (...)
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  45. La secularidad como actitud existencial.José Luis Illanes Maestre - 2002 - Anuario Filosófico 35 (74):553-580.
    In this paper the history of the term "secularity" is studied highlighting its relation with the meaning of "saeculum" in Christian literature, concluding that, although the usage of this term has been extended to other areas, the notion of secularity presupposes a Christian view of the world. Following San Josemaría Escrivá three dimensions of secularity are considered: the sociological and theological features of secularity; the value of earthly realities, and the connection between laity and conscience of Christian and priestly sense (...)
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  46. HUET n'est PAS un sceptique Chrétien.José R. Maia - 2008 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 85 (2).
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  47. Filosofía e historia según I. Ellacuría.Jose Martinez - 1995 - Pensamiento 51 (199):149-153.
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  48. Natural laws, modality and universals.José Tomás Alvarado Marambio - 2010 - Epistemologia 33:207-234.
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    Global modernity, development, and contemporary civilization: towards a renewal of critical theory.José Maurício Domingues - 2012 - New York: Routledge.
    This book investigates modern global civilization, offering an alternative to post-colonial theories and the "multiple modernities" approach (as well as the civilizational theory linked to it). It argues that modernity has become a global civilization that is heterogeneous and intertwined with other civilizations, and also aims at a renewal of critical theory that is not US-centric and Eurocentric, focusing instead on China, South Asia (India) and Latin America (Brazil). Dealing with the themes of centre-periphery relations, complexity (including culture and religion), (...)
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    La belleza del mundo es la belleza de Dios: el núcleo estético del'Irfán de Ibn 'Arabi (I parte).José Miguel Puerta Vílchez - 2000 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 17:77-100.
    El presente estudio se propone, a lo largo de dos entregas consecutivas, evaluar cuál sea el estatuto a un tiempo hierofánico y cosmológico, ontológico y antropológico, que la noción de Belleza reviste en la mística especulativa del andalusí MuhyÌ al-DÌn Ibn ÿArabÌ (1165-1240), conocido asimismo como "el más grande de los maestros" en materia de espiritualidad islámica. Y ello en confrontación con las teorías al uso de la estética y la filosofía islámicas, a través del esclarecimiento de un vocabulario denso (...)
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